- In case the fee is not paid on due date (i.e 10th of every month), fine as per following schedule will be charged.
After due date ₹10/-per day (till 20th)
21st to 25th₹ 20/-per day.
After 25th ₹ 500/- will be charged.
Thereafter name of the candidate would be struck off from the school record without any notice to the parent. The child can however be re-admitted to school on payment of ₹1000/- as re-admission charges as well as after clearance of all pending dues within a month’s time. After that the case of child will be treated as a fresh admission which may or may not be granted depending upon availability of seat.
- If fee for the month of April (for new session) is not paid till 30th April, name of the student will be struck off in May.
- In case Sunday/Public holidays fall on 10th of a month, fee should be deposited by the last working day falling before 10th of that particular month.
- Fee is payable as per the Fee Structure through crossed cheque drawn in favour of ‘Dashmesh Public School’ at the school counter or through online mode by 10th of the month without fine.
- Write name of the student, class, admission no. and phone no. on the reverse side of the cheque.
- Cheque dishonored by the bank will be treated as non-payment of fees and late payment and dishonor charges will be levied.
- Due to summer vacation, fee for the month May + June should be paid by 10th of May.
- Fee for March shall be collected with the February bill for all classes. All dues should be cleared before the Annual Exam i.e. in the month of February.
- Parents/Guardians of the students are hereby informed that fee is to be deposited only with the accountant/designated official and not with any other person. Parents/Guardian /Students not abiding by this instruction will be solely responsible for any consequent financial losses.
- No refund of fees except caution money will be given to the parent in case admission is withdrawn, so the parent is requested to take care of his/her final decision before taking admission in the school.
- If a child has to be withdrawn from school during session parents are requested to give one calendar Month’s notice in writing, failing which entire fee for session till the month in which application for TC is received will be charged.
- In case School Leaving Certificate (SLC/TC) is required before commencement of the new academic session, application needs to be furnished on or before the annual result failing which monthly fee for the month of April has to be deposited at fee counter.
- Transfer certificate will only be issued after clearance of school dues.
- In case School Leaving Certificate (SLC/TC) is required between the session, fee dues have to be cleared till date on which application is received by school authorities.